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digital marketing definitions

Digital Marketing Definitions

Digital marketing definitions, if you have a business and want to grow your business by digital marketing methods, you should know many meanings of words to work correctly on digital marketing channels and know how to measure your campaign success on any social media platform, SEO, SEM, or e-mail marketing.


CR stands for conversation rate which means the percentage of visitors who perform a desired action like clicking on a link, buying a product, or file download, and more.
For example: if you sell products on your website, you divide the number of website visitors by the number of sales and the percentage result is the conversation rate


CTR stands for Click Throw Rate, it refers to the percentage of clicks on the advertisement.
CTR Calculation
To measure the percentage of click-throw rate for your advertisement or your website, you divide the number of advertising impressions (how many times people see your advertisement or website) by the number of clicks on the advertising, the percentage result is the CTR.


ROI stands for the return on investment and it is the most important part of digital marketing campaigns. For any campaign you need to set the budget for your campaign, analyze the market and competitors very well and know your target audience to make a successful campaign then the best important part is measuring campaign success to know you are working on the right or wrong way and correct the weak points.
ROI Calculation
To calculate the ROI, you need to compute this formula
ROI = Gained amount – Amount spent / Amount spent X 100

Other definitions



Stands for click-to-action and only uses mobile campaigns where you can make visitors call you directly instead of sending people to the website.


Stands for cost per click which men you choose to pay for every click on your website at google adwords and website advertising.


Stands for cost per mile (impression), that’s means you pay for advertising when it reaches one thousand impressions.